This post was originally published in the thoughtbot blog, Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots.
It has been close to 5 years since React Native (RN) was publicly released. It is estimated that 8% of the Apps on App Store are developed with React Native, and Microsoft has around 38 Apps built with the same across iOS and Android. Going by Google trends, it seems to be as popular and growing faster than ever. We all know that React Native is built on JavaScript, which is one of the most popular languages. Like any other JavaScript-based library, there seems to be no definite way of writing code, and multiple opinions are always around. RN comes in 2 flavors - An Expokit based App or a traditional RN App. The guidelines mentioned below would work irrespective of the flavor of React Native you choose to utilize.
Components are the building blocks of any React App, and the introduction of the hooks API didn’t make it any easier as it introduced additional complexities into the way we write our components. The following points might help you organize your App code better.
Divide the components
Divide your React components into two directories - components
. You can name them differently as per your choice.
are directories which follow these rules:
- Do not import anything from react-native (View, Text, etc.) that build your JSX components.
- The imports to your Higher-Order Components connecting to the redux store (if your project uses redux which we recommend) and their respective connections. This means the redux hooks (useDispatch, useSelector, etc.), redux actions, redux selectors (extract useful data for the container from App state) must live here.
- Other possible imports could be react-navigation related integrations and possibly a unique library you use for your project which could be put here.
// containers
import React from 'react'
import type { Element } from 'react'
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { NavigationScreenProp } from 'react-navigation'
import I18n from 'react-native-i18n'
import { Formik } from 'formik'
import { registerProcess } from 'actions'
import { authenticationSelector, ordersLoading } from 'selectors'
are directories which follow these rules:
- components are children of a container and they would receive the App state data as props which would be used to construct the UI. You must place all the JSX code of your React components along with their respective react-native imports here.
- You would also utilise the react hooks (useEffect, useRef, useState) at the component level which should mostly be avoided in a container.
- Other possible imports would be types, styles, other components for code re-use, and in general anything else which a container does not do.
// components
import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-native'
import { ArrowIcon } from 'components/icons'
import NutritionDetails from './NutritionDetails'
import type { NutritionalInfoType } from 'types/product'
import { nutritionalInfoStyles as styles } from './styles'
These are not hard-and-fast rules and you are encouraged to make exceptions or change them. We found that this helped us write clean code that is highly readable.
Create Aliases
Create aliases using babel-plugin-module-resolver to avoid nested imports such
as import Product from '../../../Components/Product'
. Aliases created
using babel-plugin-module-resolver look something like this.
alias: {
actions: './app/actions',
api: './app/api',
assets: './app/assets',
components: './app/components',
containers: './app/containers',
constants: './app/constants',
sagas: './app/sagas',
selectors: './app/selectors',
types: './app/types',
utils: './app/utils',
You can use imports like import Product from 'components/Product'
setting it up.
Sort the imports
Divide your imports and sort them logically unless it is not possible due to the use of aliases. There is no hard rule with the order in which you sort them, but at least categorizing them into two categories such as library imports and all other imports would be easier for someone reviewing your code.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import type { Element } from 'react'
import { View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'
import { NavigationScreenProp } from 'react-navigation'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import type { OrderType, LineItemWithProdType } from 'types'
import { ordersByIdSelector, productsByIdSelector } from 'selectors'
import { OrderTicket, OrderDetails } from 'components/Order'
import { DefaultStatusBar, RedStatusBar } from 'components/StatusBar'
import { orderStyles as styles } from './styles'
Declare the types
Be it TypeScript or Flow, it is essential to declare the types of every object in the code. This includes declaring the return type and argument type.
const payload: LoginUserType = {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'password',
const roundDistance = (distance: number): string => (distance / 1000).
For Flow-based projects, remember to add the // @flow
at the start of
every new file you create in the project.
Sometimes it might be tempting to declare types (objects, props, state) inside
each component (file). This invites trouble in the future if left unorganized
into a separate types
directory in a logical order based on the
requirements of your project. Ensure the types created are reused across the
code following the DRY principles to get the full benefits of type checking.
Also remember to use the |
symbol to create Exact object types for even
stronger type safety. This ensures new keys cannot be added to an object.
type LoginUserType = {|
email: string,
password: string,
Separate the styles
The thoughtbot React Native style guide is an excellent article that covers all the styling requirements of a project. In short, we suggest you keep the styles away from your React components so that concerns are separated. It also is easy on the eyes of the reviewer and makes the code cleaner.
import { productAmountstyles as styles } from './styles'
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.amountText}>{I18n.t('itemScreen.amount')}</Text>
<View style={styles.quantityContainer}>
<CircularButton disabled={quantity === 1} onPress={onReduce} />
<View style={styles.quantityTextContainer}>
<Text style={styles.quantityText}>{quantity}</Text>
<CircularButton disabled={false} add onPress={onAdd} />
Components must hook
It is 2020 and you should be using Hooks!
There are plenty of reasons for
this: Hooks are declarative, easier to read and understand, and they reduce a
lot of this.x, this.y and this.setState()
in your code. We didn’t have a
need to use a Class-based component, which a Functional component using Hooks
wouldn’t solve.
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(true)
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch])
const authenticationData: AuthenticationStateType = useSelector
const mapViewRef: { current: MapView } = useRef(null)
Let Redux manage
React has evolved to coexist with multiple state management libraries and has now come to a point where teams are finding redux to be cumbersome and overkill. Unless your team is using GraphQL or its variants which doesn’t need a state management library for the front-end, We find redux to be still useful and has a predictable way to handle the App state in our projects. You could always spice it up with Immer to gain mutating capabilities. We also suggest setting up React Native debugger, which is packed with a lot of useful features such as viewing the entire App state tree (giant JavaScript object), firing redux actions on the fly to see it reflect on the App UI and so on.
Write sagas for asynchrony
If the above point was not convincing enough, consider the advantages of using
redux for its middleware capabilities that integrate well with a library like
redux-saga. redux-saga
helps you handle the App side effects (asynchronous
logic such as API calls, Navigation to another screen, etc.) and makes them
easier to code and manage.
export function* loginProcess({
payload: session }) {
const { login } = url
yield put(doAuthenticateUserStart())
const data = yield call(makeApiCall, login, { session })
if (data.message || data.errors) {
yield put(doLoginUserError(data))
} else if (data) {
yield put(doLoginUserDone(data))
yield call(continueOrderingProcess)
We also like axios
to handle our API calls, and there are some advantages
of using it over a library like fetch
due to its more granular error
Aggregate the selectors
It is often convenient to put the logic of extracting useful data from the App
state (predominantly using mapStateToProps in Class-based components) as
separate functions in each component. This would quickly lead to duplication of
state selection code across multiple components violating DRY principles. We
suggest putting it all together in one place into a selectors
directory so
that these individual functions can be reused across components. We also
encourage developers to go one step further and use the reselect
which comes with caching and memoization benefits resulting in efficient
computation of derived data.
export const productsSelector = state =>{
product }) => product)
export const productsByIdSelector = createSelector(
(products) => products.reduce((prodObj, product) => (
prodObj[] = product), {}),
const productsById = useSelector(productsByIdSelector)
Jest test them
TDD and writing clear tests are important, and lead to fewer future bugs. Different parts of React Native Apps can be tested in different ways, and we suggest that every App should implement at least the Snapshot tests and Redux tests (actions, reducers, sagas, and selectors).
Snapshot tests ensure that the components do not break and also assists the developer to have an overview of the UI changes introduced by their code.
it('renders ArrowIcon', () => {
const component = renderer.create(<ArrowIcon />)
const tree = component.toJSON()
Redux tests are better and ensure the state of the App changes in a predictable manner with the current code. This is where you should aim for 100% code coverage, and it is advantageous to use redux due to its architecture, and the tests are specific.
// actions
it('gets all products', () => {
const action = doFetchProducts()
const expectedAction = { type: 'PRODUCTS_FETCH' }
// reducers
it('should handle FORGOT_PASSWORD_DONE', () => {
const forgotPasswordDone = {
payload: {
email: '[email protected]',
const newStateAfterForgotPassword = authReducer(beforeForgotPasswordDone,
// selectors
it('productsByIdSelector should return all the products by Id', () => {
The above set of constraints and best practices give us a predictable development experience and accelerate our time to deliver. At the least, We believe this could act as a starter to further evolve into better practices while developing an Application using React Native.